Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I'm Talking the Old and the New of Chritmas.

I am not a normal person. And I don't mean that in a self deprecating way. I just know that I look at things, differently.

So what are my thoughts of Christmas? I love Christmas!

That is not to say that there are a few things about our "modern day Christmas", that I don't like. I can not stand the song Christmas shoes. I know, I know, everyone reading this is now screaming, "thats one of my favorites". And I can not tell you how many times I have heard, "that song is what Christmas is all about".

For those twelve people on the entire planet, who don't know this song, here is the tenure of the song; A man is doing some last minute shopping on Christmas Eve, when he finds himself in the check out line, with a little boy. The little boy is trying to by shoes for his Mother, because She is deathly ill and the little boy wants His Mother to look good when She Meets Jesus. The poor child doesn't have enough money, so the man reaches into his own pocket, to make up the difference.

OK, lets have a show of hands, how many think that Christmas is about feeling guilt-ed into doing something for others? And can I only get the Christmas spirit, if I happen to run into a little boy, who's Mother is about to die, on Christmas Eve?

If anyone has ever run into such a sad set of circumstance, I have never heard of it. So does that mean that very few get the Christmas spirit?

I don't know about you, but my guilt would not have been lifted by tossing out a few bucks. I would feel the need to race the Child home, to be with his Mother so they could share there last moments on this earth, together.

What makes Christmas special is different for each individual. It is a combination of memories and understanding of what Joy filled the Heavens and a few here on earth, to know that the most High, was willing to go beneath it all, for us.

In my own life, as a child, I can only remember four Christmas' that stood out. Two, I have mentioned before. The year me and my brother Steve got a mini bike and the year that me and Steve got a motorcycle. Worldly gifts to be sure. But they also represented sacrifice on my parents part and brought a lot of joy to our lives for years to come (not just on Christmas morning, like a lot of gifts).

If only because it was unique, the year we had a crow fly into our house, and hide in our Christmas tree. Now that year has stuck in my mind. How can you forget a thing like Blacky the Christmas bird?

Then there was the year that my Mother bought a lot of gifts from a mail order catalog. What makes that year different was when She got the big boxes with the little boxes inside, there was no way to hide them on the way to her room. I waited a minute or two, and then peaked to see if I could catch a glimpse of what was for me. What I did catch, was a big smile on my Mothers face, as she shut the door, tightly.

I sometimes see that same smile on my wife's face, when she shows me what she has brought home for our kids (even if my youngest kid is twenty two). And it is the same smile she gets when she buys something for Jackson, our grandson.

Hey, maybe there is enough material to write a book. The title could be- The Bike, The Bird and The Christmas Smile. Nah.

Monday, me and the kids went to see the Christmas lights at Thanksgiving point (if you don't know what Thanksgiving Point is, you best Google it, because I can't describe it), instead of Temple square. Even though we had a good time, I don't know if we will go again next year. The fun was in our being together and the little things that go with it.

Part of the fun, for me, was having Jontey (Amy's little sister, from the Little Sister program) take pictures. When She wasn't taking pictures of the lights, She was telling us how badly she wanted to see the live Reindeer at the end of the light show. There was also picture taking with Santa. Poor Jackson just screamed, but Jontey looked really cute. Booth picture's turned out really cute, even with Jackson's tears. I will put them on my blog, later, when I get a copy.

Dinner that evening, was in honor of Justin's graduation with an associates degree. He let that fact that he was graduating sneak up on us, so we were not even aware of it til the week end before. I'm not sure if we are done celebrating this event.

Well, here is my point. Memories are made of a lot of things. Some of them are worldly, like a motorcycle. Some are have no price tag, like letting some one go crazy with a digital camera.

If you still like to bring a tear to your eye, every time you here Christmas Shoes, I say enjoy. Me I puffer Joy To The World, because I know, The Lord has come.

Thanks to all who have giving me so many good memories.

Love Boyd

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Is it to late to do a little Thanks Giving?

I hope to make this short and sweet, just to let everyone know I am still alive and blogging.

I had a great Thanksgiving, but have been spending to much time, writing a single e-mail of such importance, that I have re-written it five times and counting. I can not say a thing about this e-mail because of the sensitive nature. Sorry to peak your interest and then not spill the beans, but I couldn't think of an excuse, so I went with a little of the truth.

There are many things that I am thankful for that are so easily forgotten. Take HDTV for instance. After about three months you forget about how wonderful the picture is, until you watch a show in non HD.

One of my favorite gifts from our Father in Heaven is a the hot shower. Before the shower was invented, humans would take a bath once a week. Now I don't wake up with out a hot shower. It's only in the last fifty years or so, that "unwashed of our society" have had a shower available to them.

I know that I have received so many so many blessings I can not begin to mention them all. Let me just speak of what I hold closes to my heart. I have a wonderful family. I have the Gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. I have a roof over my head, with a bathroom and in that bath room, there is a shower.

The Irish have a saying, "I'm blessed with work". And so am I.

I have vehicles that not only get you to were you want to go but play music and control the temperature.

I also have the blessing of many trials, tailor made to make sure that I grow as much as I possibly can.

And did I mention, I love a hot shower.

Love Boyd