Thursday, June 14, 2007

All you need is love.

Today was a trip to the oral surgeon. Things didn't go as well as I hoped, but that is the way life goes.

The Doc wanted to put an implant were a tooth broke off. I got cut open and the Doc found that there was not enough bone, so he did a graft. It will be a couple of months before I get the implant.

The thing I'm going to remember the most, about this day is, how wonderful it was to sit with my wife, Sharlene, for about an hour before going under the knife (the knife comment is for drama). Not a bad face to wake up too, either. One hour of holding my wifes hand and seeing her smile at me, every time I looked over at her, more than made up for any pain that I felt, today.

Made me think, I just might do all right, in the eternities, with a beautiful girl like Shar.

1 comment:

The Duncan Proect said...

Wow, I think I will get Doug to start a blog just so I will know how much he loves me. Shar, does he says these loving things to your face?

Miss you all.