Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Critically Speaking.

I have always thought that I have the heart of an artist.

I have taken a few good pictures. One, won a first place at the Utah State Fair.

One year, when I was Sunday school Prescient, in my ward, I needed to provide a gift to all the Mothers, for Mothers day. Shar made the gifts and I wanted to add a poem, but couldn't find one I liked, so I wrote one, and no one was the wiser. I do have to say that I have spent thirty years, trying to write a poem, that says how I feel about my wife, and no words have come close too my feelings.

I have been called from time to time to sing solo with some success. I have written new words to the tune, Ave Maria. In my youth, I played in a couple of bands, none of which lasted longer than two weeks.

I can not draw or paint.

After all this, I can not say that the artist in me has been satisfied. So what do you do if you are an incomplete artist? Criticize.

As I see it, there are only two things, that are stopping me from being a Movie critic. One, I don't watch R-rated movies, unless I'm watching it on TV. Two, as a general rule, I don't like movies made in this century.

Recently, I have seen two exception too my general rule and two example's, of what I'm talking about.

First, one of the winners, Jumpers. I am shocked that I enjoyed a teen movie. But if you have a fast paced, innovative, creative and visually attractive film, you are almost a winner in my book. Add a good story and I won't be complaining all the way home. Leave out the, sex equals love massage that most teen movies seems to need, and I would have given it three out of four stars. Two and a half stars.

The other movie that I liked, was even a bigger shock. A film that borders on the border of "art film" , The Bucket List.

Films with a message, usually lose me, because you watch a movie to be entertained, not too receive a lecture, designed to make you feel guilty. With the Bucket List, your never sure what the massage is or if there is a message.

After watching the film, I couldn't decide if it was a buddy film, or a film about death, or even a film about doing the things you always wanted to do, before you pass on, as the name of the film implies. It is none of that. The magic of this film is that it is about how important your family is. It is so hidden, because it only spends about two minutes, with the family, but that is were the good warm feeling, that you have after watching the film, comes from. Three out of four stars.

Now the not so great. Narnia 2. I believe that I will get a lot of argument on this one. If you are going to tell a good story, you need too have likable, hero's. Maybe it's the old man in me, but I just can't seem to fall in love with whiny children, with swords. Add animals that are more articulate than the humans and I am looking at my watch. Add a message, like the animals and the "little people" have been abused by mankind, and I want to slip into a coma.

If the is any redeeming value to this film, it is that it is visually, spectacular. Two out of four.

And now, last and certainly least, Indiana Jones. It may be because I expect great things out of Ford, Speilburg and Lucas, but few films have left me this dissatisfied.

I hope that I am not alone, when I say that what I always loved about that character, Indiana Jones, was he would always put his life on the line, to do what is right. And when the super human ran out of juice to get it done himself, the hand of providence would finish the job.

None of that here. The story is so, so. The cinematography is average, which is not enough for a film like this. If this film was done by anyone else, it would maybe get two stars, but I am stuck giving it one and a half.

One thing about being a critic, is you will lose a few friends along the way. Instead of losing friends, I hope that I will gain a few comments, so please feel free to criticizes the critic in me.

Thanks, Boyd

1 comment:

The Duncan Proect said...

I haven't heard of Jumpers--I will check it out.