Monday, June 2, 2008

The Ugliness of politics.

A week goes by an you think that I would have written by now. Well I tried to write about a very special, miracle that happened in my life and perhaps I was presenting it too lightly, because it did not save when I shut down my computer, to go to work.

That was the third time I tried to write about that event, and all three times, poof, it is gone. So I think that you may see that blog, a little further down the road, when I can leave out the jokes.

On to politics, that need to be handled with much levity, or we will all be in such tears, are key boards would all short out.

Inspired by my nephew's political comments (see louscois choas - politics and the ten year old), I have decided to talk about the up coming election, for President of the United States. I know this goes against my "write only positive things" policy, but I feel the need to vent.

A few years ago, I decided to put my time were my mouth is (I still haven't put my money were my mouth is). I showed up at a Republican caucus, and was elected to be a delegate to the Utah convention.

John McCain was the key note speaker at this convention, but I had no desire to hear his speech. And I was not alone. He spoke and I ate. Lunch was about an hour and a half with pleasant conversation (more talking than eating). Judging from the lack of applause from the next room, were Senator McCain was speaking I made the right choice.

Those who can find the time too study politics, know that Senator McCain has been a sell out to the press, ever since he lost the bid for the republican nomination, to now President Bush. And even now, the majority of Utahans still don't know who to vote for.

So If you don't vote for McCain who do I vote for. The other two options seem to want to send this country down the road to socialism. The thing about socialism is it has failed every time it is tried. The government is the least efficient way to accomplish any thing. No problem, we will just tax the rich, more. Not a problem for th first couple of years, but then you take away the reason for making money. Too spend or save it. So then we have less rich people and more programs to provide for. Some thing always has to give, so we raise taxes on everyone.

And so it goes, this year, no one wins but the politicians.

I will have more to say, later. Thanks for letting me vent.



The Duncan Proect said...

So who do you vote for?

Boyd Smith said...

I'm going to vote for no one, for President, because Utah will vote for McCain.

The only reason that there is to vote for McCain over the others is he will not make a total mess of Iraq. Other than that, McCain and Clinton are about the same.

Who knows were O'Bama is. Hey he does give a good speech, but avoids saying how he will accomplish his goals.

One thing that is funny, is when I hear people come into the gas station and say when O'Boma gets elected, the price of gas is going to fall to under $2.00 a gallon. Yet when you ask how he will achieve such a grand goal, they all say the same thing. Because he is not Bush and he will have new idea's