Sunday, November 2, 2008

And a Nother Thing

One more reason I'm not voting for Obama.

Judges- Most people don't realize, how much Judges in this country have been writing laws from the bench. Obama has already stated that he will choose Judges who can put themselves in the place of the defendant. Doesn't sound all that bad, or does it.

Ever ask yourself why there are so many minority's are in prison? Growing up on the edge of a rougher part of town, I saw some of the reasons that people turn to crime. I am well aware that I don't have all the answers, but I know that two of the reasons are justification and a lack of community disapproval.

Justification may have the word justice in it, but they are two ends of the spectrum and leads only too more crime.

The lack of community disapproval may be best illustrated by a old George Carlin joke; You should never get caught with marijuana in the state of California. They are so strict, you could get a ticket.

Many don't know how many Judges the President chooses or what an impact Judges have made in the last few years. No one payed attention when a city council in Florida, condemned a large section of beach front property, not because the houses were sub standard, but because a developer would put more expensive homes on the beach front land and increase the taxes to the city. The case went all the way to the (not so) supreme court (in this case anyway) were the city/developers won.

I may be preaching to the choir here, but I will do what I can do and I will say what I can say. I think that if I do my best, and tell it like I see it, come Tuesday night, I will sleep just fine regardless of who wins the election.

Too quote an old Bee Gee's song, it's only love and love is all I have, to steal your heart away.

Love you all-Boyd

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