Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hiaku 2 U

The older I get, the harder it is for me to work this work schedule, that I currently work. The problem I falling asleep at nine o'clock, after being up till two am, the previous night.

One thing that sometimes helps is thinking about Haiku's.

My sister got me started and I thank her. It's my thought, that I can fall asleep faster, by concentrating on a single thing, rather than let my mind wonder from subject to subject.

So, to break the rules of Haiku, here is a series of four.

Early fall, sunset.
Maple, takes colors from rays.
Pine sits, jealously.

Cold, winter has come.
Maple stands with baron limbs.
pine has a smug smile.

Spring comes, as always.
Maple leaves, return anew.
Pine climbs, ever up.

Summers warmth, settles.
Maple and pine, find balance.
Only maple claps.

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