Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Two and Two make for a good day.

Most of my favorite television shows are on summer vacation, but I do have a movie and TV show that I recommend for tivo.

I know that I have recommended Ghost Hunters before, but I think that it is worth at least one look. And it's not a re-run. If it helps, try tivo-ing it, and you can skip to the end too see what happened. Then you can answer the following questions; can it be called a reality show if it is so surreal? And why is a reality show on the SciFi channel, and followed by wrestling? Now that's scary. Ghost Hunters, tonight on the SciFi channel, check your local listings for the time.

The movie that I have on my Tivo list, is a old, black and white, golden oldie. Binging up baby. this is probably the best romantic comedy of all time. It stars Cary Grant and Audry Hepburn, who are both very funny, from the very second they show up on screen.

You will get no plot lines out of me. And don't go hitting the info button on this one, you will just spoil the fun of discovery.It on at six, mountain time, but you will want to check the local listing for TCM (channel 132 on dish).

Now from the old, too the young. I was pleasantly surprised, that my niece and nephew, have got a blog of there own. I recommend both. For one thing, they are not as wordy as I am. Take a moment, and see what I am talking about.

For Michaela, (AKA Layla),
For Spencer,

Well, I can't complain about how I am too wordy, and still yap on. I have given four good recommendations, so go enjoy.


1 comment:

The Duncan Proect said...

Thanks for commenting on the kids blogs. They were totally thrilled. They both received more comments on the one post than I ever have. Never seen Bringing Up Baby--I will check it out.
We miss you all.