Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Day of Epiphany

Yesterday, I tried and tried to write a blog about how I think Barock Obama should have been made to answer a few questions before this nation made him the most powerful man in the world. I didn't like a word I wrote, because of the anger I felt. Don't get me wrong, there will be a post in the future dealing with this issue, but it may take a week or two more, before I can write it.

The avoidance mechanism kicked in and I surfed on over to LDS Talk and watched a few Glen Beck video, and gained an epiphany.

I don't always agree with Glen Beck. Maybe if we conservatives could get together on a few more things, we would be winning more elections. What I can agree with Glen on, is the concept of Zion. It was what converted Glen to the Gospel and was my freeing epiphany.

There is only one cure for all the sickness of the world.It is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

My sister Stacey did her part, working on prop 8 in California. Steadfastly stating that she (we) love every individual. But changing the meaning of what marriage is, or what a family is, serves no one.

I don't care who you are, I love you. Or I am trying to love you. True charity will save the world. And I may not be perfect at it, but I am trying.

Love ya all, Boyd

P.S.; if you don't get the whole epiphany, it's because words can't say it all.

1 comment:

The Duncan Proect said...

Nice post. I don't want to make you envious but it is 90 degrees and sunny here today.