Thursday, October 30, 2008

Three reasons I am not going to vote for Obama

I wish this post title could be changed too three reasons I am going to vote for McCain, but reality is, I'm voting McCain, not because I wan't to, but because I have too. I will try and make it short and sweet. The three reasons;

#1 Socialism- No were in this world has socialism brought long term economic growth to this or any other country, or any other.

On the radio the other day, I may have heard the best way to explain why it doesn't work. I man came home from work, when his ten year old daughter asked what is so wrong about voting for Obama. The father asked the daughter how she would feel if spent all night trick or treating, came home and had to give half of it up, too another child who doesn't have any candy. Now what if that child figured out that he/she would get about the same amount of candy, if he/she stayed home or went out on Halloween.

#2 Military-He has already said that he would replace soldiers with diplomats. Again, something that has never worked.

#3 The Economy- You may think I'm talking about socialism again, but as the last great economy on the planet, we need to be financially growing. France peeked at 25% unemployment. If the US ends up with 25% unemployment, more people in China starve.

I tried to make this short post. As always, I'm begging for comments.


1 comment:

The Duncan Proect said...

You don't have to beg. I agree.